From Australia with Z-ism in 1997

From Australia with Z ism English Edition  

Hello, or welcome back.

I am Takeda, the manager and author of “Struggle with Z1R ” and “From Australia with Z-ism.”

As I write this in the fall of 2015, the content here relates to my solo trip around Australia on a 1980 Kawasaki Z1R2, which took place from May 15, 1997, to September 19, 1997.

At that time, my touring reports were published in Mr.Bike (which has since ceased publication but continues as Web Mr.Bike), published by Motor Magazine and edited by Tokyo Editors Co., ltd.

The main reason for this extensive update and revision is that I couldn’t create the content I wanted back then. In those days, ISDN (64kbps) was just becoming popular, and loading images took a lot of time, causing significant delays depending on the user’s environment.

I had to reduce the quality of the photos and limit the number of images and text. With the evolution of internet environments, the introduction of negative film scanners, and enriched links to information on the web, I am now able to achieve a format much closer to my ideal.

During the revisions, I considered changing the first-person pronoun “Ore,” which now feels painfully youthful, but I decided to keep it. It reflects the taste of a young man in his twenties, full of worries yet brimming with energy, and it is fitting to leave it as it was.

Another update: I have acquired my own domain! It might be late, but free servers come with many limitations, so I decided to take the plunge and run the site with my own domain and server.

Additionally, societal norms have changed significantly over the past 20 years, and some expressions may now be considered inappropriate. I have decided to retain content that, in my judgment, does not harm anyone’s honor, disparage individuals, diminish dignity, or encourage illegal activities, as it reflects the style of the time. However, if I find parts that are outdated or need consideration, I will revise them as necessary.

Should there be any unintended offense caused, please let me know through the blog or other means.

While some roads, accommodations, stores, and other facilities may have closed or relocated since then, I aim to update the information as much as possible. I hope to leave this information for future “second-generation air-cooled Z enthusiasts,” if any appear.

September 2018