Struggle with Z1R

Welcome to my website, dedicated to the Kawasaki Z1R II I picked up in Australia back in 1997.

The main content here is a travelogue of my solo trip around Australia on the Z1R. But let’s be honest, it’s a tale from a different era, and the world has changed a lot since those days, so it might not be the best guide for current local information.

Nowadays, my knees start complaining after just a short walk, and I find myself wondering if I can keep riding my Z1R, my companion for over 20 years, for another two decades. All riders know the day will come when they can’t ride anymore, but hitting my mid-40s has made that reality a bit more pressing.

So, what’s next?

Just like the once-overgrown weeds that start to droop as the insects chirp, the mountains blaze red, and the clear blue sky arrives, it feels like the seasons are changing for me too.

Do I still have the passion to keep pushing forward? Should I just look for a smooth landing, like a plane searching for a gentle runway? After all, I don’t have the fuel to chase distant dreams anymore.

Maybe. But life is full of unexpected turbulence, like a rogue jet or a stray missile even when you’re heading for a sunny island runway.

I might face storms and crises and could even crash, but there was a time when I vowed to live to the fullest, right to the edge.

I might not be a movie hero, dodging explosions and bullets, but straddling my bike and gripping the handlebars, I’ve faced tough times and enjoyed the thrill of the ride.

I’m not as spry as I used to be. I have responsibilities, things to protect. I’ve learned to live life subtracting rather than adding.

But still…

There must be something left undone.
There must be something I still want to do.

To figure out what that is, I decided to start with getting back into shape.
Some things never change, even after 20 years—I still like to put on a show lol

So, folks,

I hope you’ll continue to support me on this journey.

September 2018


In July 2024, I finally launched the long-awaited (well, maybe not by anyone else) English version of this site, a project that’s been in the works for over 20 years.

I had planned to do this much earlier, but my English skills weren’t quite up to par, and I didn’t have the resources to manage a website in another language. I also doubted whether there would be any demand from overseas readers.

I know there are people who appreciate the Japanese style of customization, but I wondered if overseas riders, who often customize their bikes in ways we Japanese might not even think of, would really enjoy this content.

However, as social media became more widespread and I started interacting with more people from around the world, I realized that we share more common ground than I initially thought. This motivated me to finally create the English version of the site.

Moreover, AI-powered translation tools have become quite practical. While the translations might still seem a bit unnatural to native speakers, I believe the core message will get across.

So, despite a two-decade delay, I hope you enjoy the content.